Teacher vacancies in Hakimpet, Bollaram Central Schools

Name of the Post: Teacher vacancies in Hakimpet, Bollaram Central Schools
Advertisement No:
Total Vacancies:
Brief Information: An advertisement has been issued for the recruitment of contract teacher posts in Kendriya Vidyalayas of Hakeempet and Bollaram.

  1. PGT (Hindi/ English/ Maths/ Physics/ Biology/ Chemistry/ History/ Geography/ Economics/ Commerce/ Computer Science)
  2. TGT (Hindi / English / Sanskrit / Maths / Science / Social Science)
  3. Computer Instructor
  4. Primary teacher
  5. Sports coach
  6. Dr
  7. Staff Nurse
  8. Counselor
  9. Yoga coach
  10. Dance coach
  11. Art and Craft Teacher
  12. Special Educator
  13. Kindergarten teacher


  • Qualifications: Passed 10+2, DED, Degree, BED, PG in relevant stream. 

Important Dates

  • Interview Dates: 21, 22-03-2024.
  • Venue: KV Bollaram, Allenby Lines, JJ Nagar, Yapral, Secunderabad.

Teacher vacancies in Hakimpet, Bollaram Central Schools

NotificationClick here
Official SiteClick here

Telangana Jobs


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